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Draw Your Halloween Character with Richard Cameron Morneau (FR)

Thursday, October 27th at 12 P.M. (EST)
Duration :
45 minutes
Teacher : Richard Cameron Morneau

FREE | offered via Facebook® Live
*This course is only offered in French.
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Draw Your Halloween Character with Richard Cameron Morneau (FR)

Open to beginners and intermediates.
Ages 13 to 99.

*This workshop is recorded and will be available on our social media.


Part 1: Artist and subject presentation

In Part 1, multidisciplinary artist Richard Cameron Morneau will introduce himself and present the subject of the day. You will also explore all the required materials: grey paper, markers, white India ink, watercolour charcoal, wooden pencils.

Part 2: Colouring a Halloween character

In Part 2, Richard will show you how to use the chiaroscuro technique, and how to mix mediums to bring your character to life.


List of materials to bring:

✓ Paint'On® paper pad (grey)
✓ Wooden pencil
✓ Alcohol markers
✓ Nitram charcoal
✓ White India ink pencil (Faber-Castell®)
✓ Graphite pencil
✓ Brush
✓ Water
✓ Acrylic markers