Image Transfer on Canvas or Wooden Panel By Maud Besson

Image transferring is a simple and fun technique
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Image Transfer on Canvas or Wooden Panel By Maud Besson

Image transferring is a simple and fun technique. Follow DeSerres expert Maud Besson’s step-by-step guide to create beautiful, multifaceted works!


  • Canvas
  • Wooden panel
  • Gesso
  • Medium gel
  • Brushes
  • Images to transfer



Step 1 : 

Before you begin, coat the canvas with gesso. The gesso reduces surface porosity, which gives you better results. Without primer, the canvas will absorb the medium gel, which can alter the ink.

Step 2 :

After applying the gesso, let the canvas dry. It must be dry to the touch before you can begin transferring images.

Step 3 : 

Choose your images. This technique works very well with photocopied black and white images, as well as black and white laser prints. Inkjet prints don’t work as well because the ink gets diluted. Many papers are transferable: magazines, newspapers, decorative papers, etc. However, photo paper prints cannot be transferred as they are too glossy. All inks are different, so it’s always best to test them beforehand.

Tip : Newspapers create a nice vintage effect, but they tend to yellow very quickly. This should be taken into account if you wish to use them.

Step 4 : 

Apply a thick layer of transparent medium gel on the canvas and immediately stick your print onto the gel ink side down. Let dry completely. To avoid air bubbles when apply the paper, smooth it from the inside out.

Tip : Always use a transparent glossy gel, as matt gels are not transparent enough and give a frosted effect if applied in thick layers.

Step 5 :

Let dry for at least six hours. For best results, the gel must be completely dry.

Step 6 : 

To reveal the print, moisten the paper with a sponge and peel it gently until it disappears completely. Then, all you have to do is create! Add anything that inspires you to customize your work: sketches, drawings, paintings, etc. Creative possibilities are endless.


Always use a transparent glossy gel, as matt gels are not transparent enough and give a frosted effect if applied in thick layers.