Painting Knives: How to Create Texture

Some knives have unique shapes that are perfect for creating unusual effects!
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Painting Knives: How to Create Texture

Painting knives come in a variety of shapes. They can be used to create textures in a thick coat of paint or to spread paint over a surface area. Some knives have unique shapes that are perfect for creating unusual effects!


  • DeSerres painting knives in a variety of shapes
  • Choice of acrylic paint colours
  • Thick acrylic medium
  • Choice of support



Technique 1

Step 1 : Spread a smooth and fairly thick coat of medium over the support.

Step 2: Drag the blade of the knife along the surface or dab at the medium to create relief.


Technique 2

Step 1: Use the knife to put some paint on the palette.

Step 2: Apply the paint to the support by pressing on the knife to spread the paint and create relief.