55 Hardness Plastiline


55 Hardness Plastiline

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55 Hardness Plastiline

Discover Plastiline, a ready-to-use precision modelling clay! Plastiline keeps its volume and is 100% reusable because it never dries in the air. You can therefore resume your model as many times as necessary. Practical for people wishing to start or improve their modelling! It can be used for research and the creation of models in sculpture, the realisation of decorations and the manufacture of moulds, the restoration of objects of art and decoration, and, in industry, the taking of impressions and the realisation of prototypes. Plastiline can be worked with the fingers and used for preliminary shaping work. It can also be worked with the wooden tools provided in the box.

55 Hardness Plastiline has a standard softness. When cold, it is very firm and offers the possibility of more detailed and finer modelling work than a hardness 50 clay. Softening at 52-56° C.

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