Have you ever wondered what self-taught artists all have in common? They’re intuitive and generous with their experiences. Two qualities that perfectly describe DeSerres expert Pascale Simard.
Passionate about a wide variety of mediums (especially water-soluble ones, which she finds endlessly fascinating due to their ever-changing properties), Pascale has a natural ability for transmitting her passion to employees and customers around her: “Today, as a store manager, I have the pleasure of working with a team of lively and passionate artists who are dedicated to inspiring each and every customer, helping them dare the freedom to create. Unlike magicians whose secrets remain well kept, I take pleasure (I even feel it is my duty!) in sharing my tricks and techniques with employees and customers. It’s by trying different products that you get new results, ultimately enhancing the creative experience in its entirety.”
For Pascale, this beautiful exchange of knowledge and experiences takes on its full meaning when she must bring her creative ideas to life in the studio. She gets inspired by colour blends, textures and shapes, always looking for THE perfect combination. As this DeSerres expert explains so well, art moves her: “When I’m creating, time stops. My mind is solely focused on the products in front of me. I love seeing how they react with each other, enhance each other, liquefy or thicken when they come into contact with a new element, and always surprise me with their ever-changing nature. Like a slow waltz, their movements carry me away and take me elsewhere, to a peaceful place, accessible only through creation. In psychology, this is called a ‘flow state,’ a state where concentration and productivity reach their peak.”
Her creative must-have
Pascale is the queen of epoxy resin. She knows all its secrets. Translucent, opaque, colourful, our expert loves all the possibilities resin has to offer. She adds a touch of it to all her works: “I particularly appreciate the richness that a touch of resin can give to a work of art. I add it at the very end, after varnishing, to perfectly preserve its lustre. This is the final step, just before I sign my painting, and finally let it live its own life.”
Her DeSerres experience
Pascale has been a part of DeSerres’ growing family for almost 17 years! Now a store manager, she loves being surrounded by artistic minds overflowing with creative ideas. She can help you throughout all your projects and creations, because at DeSerres, we know that the creative journey is more important than the destination.