Personalize your home, school or office supplies the easy way with Washi tape! Available in dozens of colours and patterns, mix and match your Washi tape for a truly unique look. This easy back to school idea will get stuck on you.
- Assorted rolls of Washi tape
- Waxed paper
- Paper punches
- Binders, duotangs and folders
- S’ip water bottle
- Bulldog clips
How to make Washi tape stickers
Step 1:
Layer pieces of washi tape side by side on a sheet of glossy or waxed paper.
Step 2:
Cut this piece of paper into wide strips. Use a shaped paper punch and cut out stickers from the Washi tape strip.
Step 3:
Peel the Washi tape from the waxed paper backing and stick them on binders, notebooks, water bottles and more! Customize your back to school with colourful DIY stickers!
Cover bulldog clips in washi tape too