Paper Christmas Ornaments

Craft unique and inexpensive holiday decorations that won’t break the bank or your heart if you drop them! Forget paper snowflakes, these 3-dimensional ornaments are lightweight, simple to make and can be used year after year or recycled when the Holidays are over.
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Paper Christmas Ornaments
  • Decorative cardstock or paper
  • Small brads
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pencil

How to Make Paper Holiday Decorations that Delight

Step 1: Cut your paper into several ½ inch wide strips. Trim your paper strips to the following lengths: 6.5, 6, 5.5, and 5 inches. Cut 2 strips of each size.  


Step 2: Punch a small hole in either end of the paper strips, approximately ½ inch from the end. Arranging your paper strips in a stack with the longest strips on the outside and the shortest in the middle, insert a brad through one end of the entire stack and fold back the legs to secure it.

Step 3: Curving each strip slightly so that the holes align, insert a brad through the holes at the other end. Add a string and hang your pretty paper ornament for all to see!

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