From Drawing to Watercolour Painting (EN)

Sunday, March 24th at 1 P.M. (EST)
2 hours
Teacher: Kathryn Wadel

$50 | offered online via ZOOM | Capacity: 50 persons
*This course is only offered in English.
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From Drawing to Watercolour Painting (EN)

Take your creative practice to new levels! In this two-hour workshop, Kathryn will guide you through the steps to draw and paint using reference images. From drawing to painting, Kathryn will demonstrate professional techniques, as well as provide artist tips to strengthen your drawing and painting practice.

Please bring personal reference photos: past trips, favourite places or images from magazines.

Open to beginners.
Ages 13 to 99.

*This workshop is recorded (you will receive the video link in 3 to 5 business days after the workshop).

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Part 1: Get to know your materials

To begin, Kathryn will provide an overview of the materials. She will then create composition sketches and demonstrate techniques that are applicable to drawing and painting.

Part 2: Drawing and painting techniques

Kathryn will guide you through the use of a variety of tools and techniques to create personalised artwork: watercolour pencils, watercolour paint, brushstrokes, layering techniques.

List of materials to bring:

✓ Sketchbook or drawing paper
✓ Graphite pencils
✓ Kneaded eraser
✓ White or gum eraser
✓ Watercolour paper
✓ Watercolour paint set
✓ Watercolour palette
✓ Watercolour paintbrushes (synthetic or natural bristles)
✓ Painter’s tape
✓ Watercolour pencils
✓ Paper towel
✓ Two jars (upcycled containers for paint water)

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