Watercolour and Ink Easter Eggs (EN)

Thursday, March 28th at 6 P.M. (EST)
 1.5 hours
Teacher: Gabrielle Haynes

$45 | offered online via ZOOM | Capacity: 50 persons
*This course is only offered in English.
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Watercolour and Ink Easter Eggs (EN)

In this workshop, participants will create an original watercolour and ink illustration of Easter Eggs using a variety of painting and drawing techniques.

Open to beginners and intermediates.
Ages 14 to 99.

*This workshop is recorded (you will receive the video link in 3 to 5 business days after the workshop).

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Part 1: Material overview and initial sketch

Gabrielle will discuss the materials being used in this workshop. She will then discuss and demonstrate laying out a composition in pencil.

Part 2: Watercolour painting and ink drawing

Gabrielle will demonstrate colour mixing and painting with watercolour using a wet on wet technique. Gabrielle will then demonstrate how to create linework using a fineliner pen.

List of materials to bring:

✓ Watercolour paper (at least 140lb, minimum size 8”x10”)
✓ Watercolour paint (4 or 5 bright, cheery colours for Easter)
✓ Watercolour brushes (a couple of round, #4, #6)
✓ Paint palette
✓ Black fineliner pens
✓ Masking tape
✓ Painting support (I use masonite board)
✓ Pencil
✓ Eraser
✓ Paper towel
✓ Jar/container for water

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