Get started on a beautiful bouquet of lilacs using a pigment dispersion technique! In this two-hour workshop, you will explore a variety of techniques to create a delicate and harmonious watercolour piece: wet-on-wet, pigment control, use of masking fluid, etc. Julie will share all her tips and tricks! A workshop that allows you to develop your watercolour techniques and immerse yourself in a world of flowers.
Open to intermediates.
Ages 15 to 99.
*This workshop is recorded (you will receive the video link 48 to 72 hours after the workshop)
Part 1: Drawing and masking fluid
To begin, you will create your drawing and apply masking fluid. You will work on your main piece and a test piece at the same time.
Part 2: Techniques
In Part 2, you will work on several techniques: wet-on-wet, pigment control, wet and fresh removal, blurred and sharp edges and value and colour contrasts.
Part 3: Finishing
To end the workshop, you will learn how to remove the masking fluid and finalise details using the wet-on-wet technique, as well as adding pigment through the wet-on-dry technique.
List of materials to bring:
✓ Daniel Smith® starter kit (6 primary colours)
✓ Daniel Smith® colours (Payne's Gray and Undersea Green)
✓ Fabriano® watercolour paper (25% cotton, 9 x 12 in)
✓ Synthetic brushes
✓ Flat goat hair wash brush (for wetting)
✓ Raphaël® Pure Squirrel brush
✓ Pébéo® masking fluid
✓ Soap (The Masters Brush Cleaner)
✓ Watercolour palette for mixing colours
✓ Plexiglass board (11 x 14 in)
✓ H graphite pencil
✓ Paper towels
✓ Bowls of water
✓ Hair dryer
✓ Reference document