Watercolour: Series of Mini Landscapes (FR)

Saturday, May 4th at 10:00 A.M. (EST)
2 hours
Teacher: Julie Donaldson

$50 | offered online via ZOOM | Capacity: 50 persons
*This course is only offered in French.
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Watercolour: Series of Mini Landscapes (FR)

Perfect your watercolour technique by working on the spontaneity of your gestures and choice of colours. Then use the effects obtained to create a series of small, simple landscapes. 

Open to intermediates.
Ages 13 to 99.

*This workshop is recorded (you will receive the video link in 3 to 5 business days) after the workshop).

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In preparation for the workshop, you will need to prepare watercolour sheets in advance, reproducing the squares or rectangles and reserving the white outlines by applying gum reserve or gummed paper. Provide at least one sheet of each: squares and rectangles, using the downloadable documents as a guide. In this course, the eraser is only used for the outlines. If you use gummed tape to reserve your outlines, you don't need to buy any to follow the workshop.

Part 1: Backgrounds

We will work on the wet-on-wet technique. Gestures and colours will be limited to encourage the use of water and pigments. Working in series will allow us to exploit the many possibilities for interesting results. We will analyse the results obtained to choose future compositions and additions.

Part 2: Compositions

Following the analysis of our results, we will make choices to enhance and create contrast and depth. We'll work with several techniques for adding and removing paint. I'll also give you tips on how to paint small evergreens, as well as various useful details for rendering landscapes.

You'll need to use your imagination and your sense of creativity, making this workshop a relaxing and creative activity par excellence.

List of materials to bring:

✓ Watercolour paper 140 lbs. 9X12
✓ Round brushes #8, #4, #2 and long thin brush 10 on 0 (approx.)
✓ Watercolour paint choice of colours
✓ Palette for mixing colours
✓ Spare eraser or gummed paper to reserve white outlines
✓ H graphite pencil
✓ Eraser
✓ Precision knife, x-acto type
✓ Pot of water
✓ Paper towel
✓ Hair dryer
✓ Documents

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