Intro to Watercolour: Winter Landscape (FR)

Saturday, December 9th at 10 A.M. (EST)
Duration :
2.5 hours
Teacher : Marie-Hélène Pelletier

$55 | offered online via ZOOM | Capacity: 50 persons
*This course is only offered in French.
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Intro to Watercolour: Winter Landscape (FR)

Unleash your creativity with a lovely winter-themed project. In this 2.5-hour workshop, you will discover the many creative possibilities of watercolour painting. Marie-Hélène will then guide you through the steps to create a beautiful winter landscape. The perfect project for nature and winter lovers!

Open to beginners (ages 13 to 99)

*This workshop is recorded (you will receive the video link 48 to 72 hours after the workshop)

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Part 1: Materials and subject preparation

To begin, Marie-Hélène will review all the necessary materials for the project. She will then guide you in preparing your subject using liquid frisket.

Part 2: Wet on wet techniques

You will then work the background by experimenting with wet-on-wet techniques.

Part 3: Trees and stream

To end the workshop, Marie-Hélène will share all her techniques for making trees and streams.


List of materials to bring:

✓ Watercolour set
✓ Three round brushes in different sizes, synthetic or natural bristles (1 large for washes, 1 medium and 1 small for details)
✓ Watercolour paper pad (9 x 12 in, 140 lb, cold pressed)
✓ Liquid frisket (jar or pen)
✓ Masking tape
✓ Graphite pencil
✓ Eraser
✓ Absorbent cloth
✓ Two jars of water
✓ Table salt

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